Photographer / Film Maker / Content Creator
Hi, my name is Ricky Morgan!
I’m a professional freelance photographer/film maker and content creator, hailing from South Wales, UK, and am currently based in Tyrol, Austria.
I remember the first time I picked up my mum’s digital camera at roughly 8 years old. I crept into the snow-covered garden and spent hours filling her memory card with pointless pictures of snowy leaves, freezing cold insects and the beautiful reflections on the iced-over water that filled the pond. I was amazed at how you could capture a single moment of time in such a beautiful way. This is where my love for taking photographs began.
With that being said, My mum taught me how to use her camera and would always encourage me with a repetitive “here, go and take some photos,” knowing that after a few hours, her memory card would be returned, full to the last byte with “meaningless” images.

I also remember spending a week for my work experience, learning from a well-renowned furniture catalogue photographer. For the first time, I got to use a “proper” camera, use editing software, and gained experience the behind the scenes process that result in what you see in catalogues. This pushed my curiosity for cameras to the next level.​
I have always had a different perspective of the world, seeing things in a different way. I was the “dreamer.” I found it hard to try and explain to others until ultimately discovering that I could explain not with words, but rather with a single shot. I had a passion for taking photos wherever I would go, whether it was on my phone or mum’s camera. As I spent more time discovering the wonders and the workings of a camera, I was infatuated by the stories that could be told from these moments I captured. With the thirst to continue learning about the art of photography, I spent 3 years at college after leaving school, discovering the art and style of many historical figures in the photography world. I learned the history behind processing film and spent hours in the dark room, where I gained some truly valuable and insightful knowledge that would later equip me in the field.

Unfortunately, due to the demands of the so-called “life” and its growing pressures over time, I grew up, and had to get a “real job.” This meant that I had to do what was marketed to young people like myself as “adult things” and put away the camera, ending a beautiful relationship between me and my prized joy of taking pictures of leaves and insects. So I put down the lens and picked up a hammer and saw and got stuck into “real life.” ​

"After many years of chasing a dream that wasn’t mine, including many attempted career paths and life set backs, I found myself feeling unfulfilled, discontent and dissatisfied with the place I found my self in life."

At this time, my burning passion for taking photographs had not been extinguished. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I found myself spending more alone time with my camera, and started to experience the reality of its capabilities. I learnt how to express the vision that I had in my mind, capture it and share it with others. I started to notice for the first time that I was developing my own style, that I was nothing like any of the famous artists that I studied about or desired to imitate. For once, I started to feel like an artist, creating my very own piece of art. I started to realise that there were no rights and wrongs. It was no longer important to me whether people liked my work or not - this was not the point. This was not the reason I took the photographs. I liked what I saw through the lens - that’s what mattered.
Now i'm living my dream, working as full time photographer and content creator.
If you like what you see and wanna work with me? Just say hello: morganshootsphotography@gmail.com